Friday, February 28, 2014

March is the month to have your voice be heard

Yesterday members of NCTE and their affiliates went to Washington DC to speak at the Capitol in honor of Literacy Education Advocacy Day. Yesterday was also the day that the National Center for Literacy Education published a study about the importance of teacher collaboration, especially with regards to standards implementation.

As I followed along with the tweets, I was stuck by one teacher in particular, Kristen Nielsen. Her tweets at the beginning of the day were energized and excited, but then as the day wore on and she met with political staffers, her upbeat attitude seemed to dwindle:

These tweets are really a microcosm of the teaching experience today. We constantly feel alone and are made to feel like we don't matter. Not only that, but Kristen reminded me of how few teachers actually stand up and use their voices in front of the people who are responsible for making change happen. I hope next year she can be made to feel like she's not alone by getting more actual classroom teachers to join the crusade.

And there's still time. Febrary 27th was Advocacy Day, but March is Advocacy Month. NCTE has some suggestions for ways you can make your voice be heard:
Advocacy Day and Month

Read some of the tweets from Advocacy Day:

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