
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Celebrating New Adventures and Accomplishments

Celebrate This Week was established by Ruth Ayres

So yeah, it's been a few months since I've posted here. This new gig as librarian is overwhelming to say the least. Not in a bad way, just in a way that you realize you're doing something new and have to get used to the learning curve.

But I have a couple things worth celebrating this week so I thought I'd dust off my lonely blog.

Yesterday I found out the exciting news that I was selected to serve on ALAN's Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award committee! I can't wait to get started! I've wanted to serve on this committee ever since I took a Prizing Children's Literature class in grad school and did a project on this award. I'd been an ALAN member for a few years but didn't know that much about this award until I did that project on it so it's really exciting that I finally get to serve on the committee.

My second celebration is that my husband and I finished all of our Couch to 5K workouts! We are officially runners now. And it just so happens that there's a 5K at the University of Michigan next month that we just signed up for. I can't wait!
After finishing our last C25K workout. We're runners now!


  1. These are great celebrations! I love the Couch to 5K program for getting up and getting running. Good luck in that race! I also love that you will be on that award committee. You have such great and honest reflections about the books you are reading. They will be very happy to have you there.

  2. Congratulations on being on the committee. I've seen others do that & it sounds wonderful. And, also congrats on the running accomplishment-awesome! Have a great weekend!

  3. What an honor to serve on that committee! I guess that also means more work too! My body tells me I really need to think about that couch to 5k! Congrats on adding runner to your list of celebrations.

  4. Congratulations of both things Beth! So happy for you (and impressed!)

  5. Yay for being runners! Also, welcome to the library. I guess I have been so busy myself that I missed that bit of info.

  6. Congrats on your selection to the committee. It should be such fun. And way to go for your running challenges. Good luck as you continue the transition to teacher-librarian.
